Friday 17 August 2007

Lo abbiamo incontrato e ci ha spiegato

Tony Blair - the Musical is written about at some length in Italian magazine Panorama; you can read the article online here, though you'll need some Italian vocabulary under your belt to help you through it.

1 comment:

GF said...

Translation by babelfish;

The English is rather fractured I'm afraid.

"Within a few weeks of the retirement of the Prime Minister Tony Blair, two musical comedies tell its experience, like politician and person. They have been it introduces you to the festival of the art of Edinburgh and has place in the first weeks of August. During this manifestation the Scottish understood one them it is filled up of tourists from United Kingdom and all the globe, and more accommodates many of the teatrali shows meant you of the successive season. This year the present jobs to the Edinburgh International Festival have touched the figure 2050 record. Tony! The Blair Musical comedy is realized from a company of students and wants more to be amusing between the two works dedicated to the former ones premier, with a Blair that asks councils the ghost for prince Diana and sings sommessamente "Is Avoids Peron". Tony Blair The Musical comedy, instead, is realized from one professional company (in the photo). Being a musical comedy, also this show is light, but it wants to travel over again the fundamental stages of last the ten years of government of Tony Blair. The idea to use a musical comedy in order to make satira political is interesting and originates them, and to have as protagonist the former head of the government is dared, but to hit several the experts of politics, communication and show it is the fact that the authors are many young people, while from part of the quiet professionals of the satira there is one relative. James Lark, author, composer and actor of Tony Blair The Musical comedy, had 17 years in 1997, when Blair is salted the government. We have met and it has explained to us that the idea it has come much time ago. Listening to the words of the First Minister, Lark is remained fascinated from its rhetorical, made in order to get passionate the people and to inflame the minds: It has not entered in politics in order to change the Laburista party - it has entered in politics in order to change the Country..., recites the subtitle it of the show. The large one of the job of Lark has been just to bring back these phrases in music, leaving them more close possible to originates them. According to Lark, Blair felt the need is made to love and the expectations of the people were high because same it them rendered high. What the author has intentional to make has been to adapt music to the words, and not viceversa. James Lark considers Socialist and therefore it at least shares in part the ideas of Blair, but - it supports - it does not import what tasks of he: he has been a charismatic man, that it has known to guide and to change a nation, and this musical comedy wants to render homage to its history, with objectivity, putting some in light all the more important aspects, like it has known at the same time to react to the dead women of prince Diana and the error of the war in Iraq (with the Oh song! What to lovely war against terrorism ", Oh! That beautiful war against the terrorism"). According to Lark this show strongly politicizzato, but it does not emit moral judgments: it leaves that he is the public to decide what to think, and hopes that in the next few years will serve also from memory, in order to teach to who hour is too much young in order to understand which has been the importance of the ten years of government of Tony Blair.